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Car Parking Rules In Maharashtra

Price: 149

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Author Dr.Sanjay Chaturvedi LLB, Ph.D. & Adv. Vinod Sampat
ISBN No 9788193618356
Category Real Estate Ebooks
Available In In eBook: Yes
In Hardcopy: No
Current Edition January 2024
Edition No 5th
Language English
No.of Pages 201

About Book

Mumbai, the financial capital of the country is constantly overburdened with an increase in population of people.Moreover the affordability and availability of automobiles is increasing day by day. These factors have assured that the population of cares increases constantly to the result that everyday over 300 cars are added to the total car strength of the city. Presently the number of vehicles hovers around 15-17 lakhs. Mumbai is struggling to accommodate these ever increasing vehicles within its geographical boundaries.The question that has to be answered at this point of timeis - where will all these extra cars park ?

This Book Will Covers Following Things
  1. The Problems of Car parking.
  2. Parking Provisions In New Development Control Regulations (DCR) 2034
  3. In The High Court Of judicature At Bombay Appellate Jurisdiction
  4. RERA: Open Car Parking spaces cannot be Sold Allottee eligible for parking
  5. Car Park Spaces Do Not Have Independent Status – Opines Maharashtra State
  6. Parking under MOFA
  7. Car Parking in Society for Tenants
  8. What Society Bye-law says
  9. Government Policy in Print Media
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