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Society Redevelopment Taxation for Society and Members

Price: 190

MRP: 290

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Author Dr.Sanjay Chaturvedi LLB, Ph.D.
ISBN No 978-93-94145-59-7
Category Society
Available In In eBook: Yes
In Hardcopy: No
Current Edition January 2024
Edition No First
Language English
No.of Pages 126

About Book

Society redevelopment projects offer exciting possibilities for modernization and improved living, but the complex world of taxes can throw even the most enthusiastic resident into a tailspin. This comprehensive guide is your one-stop resource for understanding the intricate web of tax implications for both societies and their members during a redevelopment project.

Within these book pages, you'll find clarity on crucial issues like:

  • Capital gains taxes: Explore the nuanced rulings on how compensation received by members and societies are treated, including recent decisions that offer favorable exemptions.
  • GST and income tax impacts: Demystify the application of different tax brackets to various facets of redevelopment, from builder considerations to individual member obligations.
  • Member roles and responsibilities: Understand your rights and duties as a participating member, ensuring informed decision-making throughout the process.
  • Judicial pronouncements and government guidelines: Stay updated with the latest legal precedents and government incentives shaping the redevelopment landscape.

Whether you're a member facing a redevelopment proposal or a society exploring options, this book empowers you with the knowledge to navigate the tax maze with confidence. Make informed decisions, maximize benefits, and secure a smoother journey towards a revitalized society.

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