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Society Redevelopment 2023 Edition

Price: 175

MRP: 400

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Author Dr.Sanjay Chaturvedi LLB, Ph.D.
ISBN No 9788184361213
Category Real Estate Ebooks
Available In In eBook: Yes
In Hardcopy: No
Current Edition January 2023
Edition No Sixth
Language English
No.of Pages 265

About Book

  1. Procedure for self-redevelopment of housing societies in Maharashtra:
  2. Categories of cessed buildings (city limits only).
  3. Transfer of Development Rights (T.D.R.) for suburbs.
  4. Increase in Floor Space Index (F.S.I.) for suburbs of Mumbai.
  5. Conveyance and transfer of ownership.
  6. City survey records.
  7. Challenges and impediments of society redevelopment by the society/developer.
  8. Re-development agreement with the builder.
  9. Frequently asked questions about the redevelopment of society buildings.
  10. New guidelines provided by the state government.
  11. Provisions for reconstruction or redevelopment of cessed buildings by co-op societies.
  12. Incentives for the redevelopment of society buildings and more.
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